Wollongong Lord Mayor Giving Tree
Santa arrived right on schedule
Black Diamond Recreational 4wd Club recently held its Christmas function for the year. Members enjoyed a fantastic weekend of entertainment & festivities. It's an excellent way to catch up and reminisce about all the trips and events of the year and plan future adventures.
Wollongong Lord Mayor Giving Tree
Members generously brought gifts for the Wollongong Lord Mayor Giving Tree. This week, more than sixty new presents for all ages under 16 will be delivered locally to a collection point. These gifts will then be distributed to those who matter most at this time of year.
Black Diamond Christmas Party
Giving joy to someone you don't know and may never meet, and knowing they are thinking about the kindness they have received from a caring person is very powerful. The Black Diamond Recreational 4WD Club member's community spirit is at its finest at this time.