Police advise to report directly through the: Community Portal - go to “I want to report” intentional damage or graffiti or call the Police Assistance Line 131 444.
Emergency Incidents
If there is an immediate emergency such as toxic fumes or a large chemical spill, call 000 immediately.
For Urgent Responses
If dumped waste poses an immediate environmental risk contact:
Council for small urgent incidents (under two trailer loads).
EPA Environment Line on 131 555 for large urgent incidents (over two trailer loads).
If you see litter being thrown or blown from a vehicle or trailer you can report it here.
To Report Littering From A Vehicle
If you see someone littering from their vehicle, you can report them to the EPA. Fines from $250 for an individual and $500 for a corporation can be issued from your report.
To report littering from a vehicle you need to
- have actually seen the litter being thrown, or blown, from the vehicle
- provide the vehicle registration details and the location where the littering took place
- report the incident within 14 days.