The Lithgow Project
- a sign of things to come
A few years ago, Rob Knight from Portland, initiated a project to improve signage of the major tracks on the Newnes Plateau. A small group of Association club members, driven by Rob's vision, got together to identify key tracks and draft paperwork for government funding.
A plan was put in place to erect signs on the key tracks and to look at producing a map for the area. The goals were to improve accessibility and safety for visitors, enabling 4wders and tourists to further enjoy the myriad of tracks on the plateau and to further enhance the plateau as a tourism destination. It was easy to get lost up there if you were not a frequent visitor.
“Hey mate, do you know how to get to “Lost City?”
Anyway, a successful proposal was put to the State government for funding. About 18 months ago signs were erected on routes to the Glow Worm Tunnel, Sunnyside Ridge, Lost City, Deep Pass, Mayingu Marragu (Blackfellows Hand), Bird Rock and others. This was the initial roll out of signs to test whether they would last and survive the potential for theft, damage and vandalism.
Recently, a review has been undertaken to identify where signs needed to be replaced, or additional signs should be installed to improve directions particularly for the return journey back to Lithgow. Fortunately, not many signs have been destroyed. The signs on the main tracks have withstood the test of time and will be added to. A few lesser signs away from the main track have gone, but all in all it appears that they are seen by visitors as a valuable asset to the plateau. The majority remain in place.
At the time of writing this article, (September 2018) signage is being printed locally in Lithgow, and should be installed over the next few months.
At the recent 4WD Adventure Show, we spoke with Lithgow Tourism and intend to work with them to draft a more detailed map of the tracks on the plateau for general release.